Majolica Bear Jug. This exquisite Majolica vase, created by the skilled hands of George Skey in Tamworth between 1880 and 1890, is a whimsical masterpiece. Shaped like a charming bear holding a spoon in one hand and features another spoon attached to its side. The attention to detail is remarkable, showcasing the intricate Majolica glaze technique. On the base, the vase proudly bears fully stamped marks, highlighting the craftsmanship of this delightful antique piece. A unique blend of functional design and artistic expression, it is a rare and collectable gem from the late 19th century. The piece is in good condition with only age related signs of wear.
1880. Ceramic. British.
Height – 30cm
Width – 13cm
Depth – 20cm
Newark Antiques & Interiors, Kelham Rd, Newark NG24 1BX
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 8.30 – 17.00 Sat 10.00 – 16.00